Saturday, 29 September 2012

What I've Learned

I've learned a lot in the short year an a half that I've been in my graphic design program. Here's a list of some of the things that come to mind:

1) I enjoy the laborious task of binding a book.
2) Doing things by hand seems like a waste of time when everything is done digitally in today's world, but it forces you to focus on the details and to appreciate the process of design work.
3) Learning photography is easy - being a good photographer is difficult.
4) Time management and discipline is essential to staying on-top of your work.
5) It's important to take time to relax and unwind, even if you can't afford to. Pushing yourself too hard for too long leads to burnout, and not respecting your body's need for sleep makes you more prone to sickness.
6) Getting feedback from your peers and faculty is the best way to improve your work.
7) Working with type is NOT something that I want to do for a living.
8) I still need to learn how to balance quantity and quality.
9) Books can be a great source of inspiration.
10) It's possible to enjoy going to school.

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